Education Department Pot Luck Lunch

The Educational Staff will be having a holiday pot luck celebration on Wednesday, December 14th.  Teachers, TA's and Educational Administration will cook a community meal to celebrate the Holiday Season.

Student Incentive Lunch

On Friday, December 9th, the Education Department is having a Student Incentive Lunch.  They will be taking all eligible students to either Ralph's Tavern or to The Fountain for a celebratory meal.

Student Incentive Lunch

On Friday, December 16th, the Education Department is having a Student Incentive Lunch.  They will be taking all eligible students to either Ralph's Tavern or to The Fountain for a celebratory meal.

Student Incentive

On Wednesday, December 21st, the Education Department is having a Student Incentive Lunch.  They will be taking all eligible students to either Ralph's Tavern or to The Fountain for a celebratory meal.

Graduation for January Graduates

Catena Conference Center 160 North Main Ave., Albany, NY

St. Anne Institute will be presenting diplomas to two graduating Seniors on Friday, January 27th at 11:30am in the Catena Conference Center.

High Honor Roll and Honor Roll Breakfast

Catena Conference Center 160 North Main Ave., Albany, NY

The Education Department is hosting a Celebration Breakfast for all students making the High Honor Roll and Honor Roll for the 3rd marking period.   The breakfast will commence at 9:00am in the Catena Conference Center.  It is open to whoever would like to attend.

St. Anne Institute Graduation

Admin Yard or the Catena Conference Center 160 North Main Avenue, Albany, NY

On Friday, June 23rd, St. Anne Institute will be celebrating their Seniors in a ceremony held on the grounds.  Time of the graduation will be 10:30am.

National Hot Dog Day Hot Dog Roast

Admin Yard or the Catena Conference Center 160 North Main Avenue, Albany, NY

On Wednesday, July 19th, Blue Heart will be hosting a hot dog roast to commemorate National Hot Dog Day.  The BBQ is open to all staff and students.

Zoom Flume

Zoom Flume Water Park 20 Shady Glen Road, East Durham, NY

Beginning on July 27th, the Education Department is going to be taking groups of students to the Zoom Flume Waterpark in East Durham, New York.

Thanksgiving Luncheon

Blue Heart will be hosting a Thanksgiving Luncheon for all SAI staff and students.  The Luncheon will be held from 11:45-1:30pm in the Central Cafeteria.

Honor Roll Breakfast

Catena Conference Center 160 North Main Ave., Albany, NY

There will be an Honor Roll Breakfast to celebrate our students that made the Honor Roll and High Honor Roll on Wednesday, December 13th at 9:00am in the Catena Conference Center.  We will be recognizing 13 students!!

Winter Break

Our Winter Break for all of our educational programs will be held the week of February 19th-February 23rd.  There will be no school those days.